OAG adds to data demonstration tools

Bernie Baldwin

OAG data could be called a core part of the industry. It’s been used by analysts for years to draw intelligence on all aspects of flights, schedules, capacity. Now the company will be making it easier for those analysts to pass on the intelligence they extract from the data with more ways to show how the industry is developing.

Scheduled for release towards the end of the third quarter, the Demand Analyser will combine data from all the modules the overall OAG Analyser has in order to help decision-makers to see information graphically. “This will assist in future analysis,” notes Joanna Botcherby, the company’s product support manager.

Another new function will be the In- Version History application. “The schedules database is updated every Monday and now users will  be able to get a historical snapshot of how that database stood on any Monday going back to December 2018,” explains Botcherby. This capability will build with time, enabling a range of trend analyses.

One element of the new graphics is that it is visually customisable, so users can – if they wish – display information in their own brand colours.

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